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Bangla song imran 2016

Bangla song imran 2016

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song name : Etota valobasi (???? ???????? )Singer: IMRANtune & music : IMRANLyrics : Snahashish Ghosevideo director: Saikot Rezalabel : SANGEETAcaller tune :etota valobasi ( first part ) - gp obiairtel elitalk =5322422 and banglalink =5691624etota valobasi ( chorus bangla song imran 2016 ) - gp obiairtel elitalk=5322421 and banglalink =5691623 ���������� ������˳������ ���������� ������ YouTube�������� QineticMusicLLC� Pori Full Video Song | ?Roshan? | Pori Moni | Kanika Kapoor | Akassh | Rokto Bengali Movie 2016�������� ����� �������� ����� Eagle Music brings Special Eid Gift for Imran's Fan.Proudly presenting Most awaited Official Music Video Of imran's "Bahudorey" Exclusively only on Eagle Music's Special Music Video Channel "Eagle Music Video Station".Just Enjoy and Share with your loved one's.

Eid name : Bahudoretune, music & singer : IMRAN MAHMUDULModel :Imran & Brishty Islamlyrics : Faisal RabbikinAlbum : Bahudorelabel : Eagle MusicDirection : Chandan Roy ChowdhuryA.D : Sarwar Ranacostume & stylist : Rameem Raazmake up : Nayan caller tune -GP | AIRTEL | ROBI | TELITALK -5272578 & BANGLALINK - 5691616Song name : Fire Asho nacast : IMRAN & PEYA BIPASHAsinger : IMRAN MAHMUDULTUNE & MUSIC : IMRAN MAHMUDULLYRICS : SNAHASISH GHOSEALBUM : BOLTE BOLTE CHOLTE CHOLTEDIRECTOR : CHANDAN ROY CHOWDHURYASISTANT DIRECTOR : SOROWAR RANASTYLIST : RAMEEM RAJEDITOR : MD KALAM ( INDIA )COLORIST : PROSENJIT (INDIA )LABEL: SANGEETAPOST PRODUCTION : BLACKCAT distribution : Qinetic Music ( Song : Noyoner PordaSinger : Rifat and NaumiLyric : Onimesh AichProduction : Adnan Fucus MediaLabel : CD CHOICEWelcome to Adnan Focus Media,the best music channel of youtube.Please bangla song imran 2016 and subscribe Noyoner Porday by Imran, Rifat & NaumiTune & Composition: Imran Mahmudul 2016Singer: Rifatul Alam Rifat & NaumiLyrics: Anurup AichLabel: CD CHOICE 2016Album: Amader Shopno (Rifat & Rafiq)Model: Aariyan Khan & Anika AfrinCreative Director, Edit & VFX: Ashraf ShoxivD.O.P.

& Director: Abdul MamunChief A.D. & Manager: Ayez Ahmed2nd A.D.: Injam RajibThanks To Surid, Karimul, Fahad & Lot More.Contact With Me:ID FaceBook: Page: Song : Premer DohaiSinger : ImranLabel : A.SeriesPremer Dohai 2016Premer Dohai Full Song HDPremer Dohai By Imran 2016Production : A-SeriesWelcome to A-Series.The best music channel of youtube.Please comment,subscribe,and share my videos

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