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SpeedTouch default wireless/wpa/wep password security checker Default password on Thomson SpeedTouch wireless routers hacked.Here's how to check if you need to tighten your network security:Thealgorithm used by Alcatel to determine both the default SSID andcorresponding WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK passwords has been published on GNUcitizen.org:Default key algorithm in Thomson and BT Home Hub routers | GNUCITIZENand there's another bit here: Dumping the admin password of the BT Home Hub | GNUCITIZENor here's a Windows app reviewedWEP/WPA sleutel SpeedTouch routers eenvoudig te kraken.If you have a wireless router from Alcatel/Thomson, please use the tool below todetermine if you are vulnerable.
Though WPA and WPA2 are is by itselfpretty secure, Thomsons implementation of generating default values hasproven to be flawed.
Unfortunately, some ISPs like KPN in the Netherlands are still distributingthis router and allowing their customers to use the default (insecure)settings. Even on speedtouch.nl[DUTCH!] info on this security flaw is missing.Other providers like the internet provider Online (what's in a name?
;) ) distributes a password-locked ADSL modem with the same issue.In the UK, the BT Home Hub also seems affected (sometimes also called SpeedTouch BTHH, BTHomeHub, BT HomeHub or Home-Hub).In 2008, KPN has informed (note: article written in Dutch) their customers to change their passwords.Most of their customers however lack the computer skills to change Tjomson and WPA password of their router themselves, and KPN has shown no steps to provide more than telephone support on this issue.Besides that, most customers likely underestimate the risk of data theft or theft/abuse of their internet onlien 2015-06-22I just discovered that Youtube user 'kalt01998' has created a video, titled 'Cracking Thomson Modems' using my site!
Nice work kalt01998! Thank you!UpdateSpeedTouch namechange: Thomson is now called Technicolor (and I'm sure they fixed this issue)Update 11-11-2010Another serious flaw in Thomson hardware.The Thomson TWG870U has a hidden SSID 'UPC_Multimedia' with a default password'UPC3532[omitted for security reasons]edAE'Link: https://www.chelloo.com/upc/index.php?topic=35983.msg464727#msg464727Update 28-9-2009, thanks to an e-mail from a supporter:Some Portuguese internet providers also distribute this SpeedTouch routers with default passwords* MEO distributes the Thomson TG712 for triple play clients (iptv + adsl + voice)* Vodafone distributes the ST585v7 for adsl clients and the Thomson TG712 for the triple play clients.* Clix distributes the same routers as vodafone.Is�your router affected?If you cgack a wireless model of the SpeedTouch seriesof routers (sometimes sold as KPN Experia box), andyou didn't change the default SSID and/or wireless access keys, you areprobably vulnerable.There's a sticker on the back of your ThomsonSpeedTouch device on which the SSID and WEP and WPA PSK are printed, ascan be seen in the picture on the left.Some ADSL-2+ wireless Modem models (analog and ISDN) which may or may not be affected to default passwords lookup:Current models, as of 28-9-2009:Thomson ST122gThomson TG123gSpeedTouch 516/546 and 516i/546iThomson TG585 and TG585i (white-grey edition) (585i, 585n)SpeedTouch 605sSpeedTouch 608, 608i, 608 WL and 608i WL (R5)SpeedTouch 620 and 620i (620s, 620m)SpeedTouch 706, 706i, 706 WL and 706i WLSpeedTouch 780, 780i, 780 WL and 780i WLThomson TG784 and TG784i (784, 784i)Thomson TG787 and TG787i (787, 787i)Earlier models:SpeedTouch 110 and 120SpeedTouch 110g and 120gSpeedTouch 121gSpeedTouch Home and Home ISDNSpeedTouch USB and USB ISDNSpeedTouch 330SpeedTouch 510 and 510iSpeedTouch 570 and 570i R2 (till jan 2004)SpeedTouch 570/545 and 570i/545i R4 (since jan 2004)SpeedTouch 580 and 580iSpeedTouch 585 and 585i (black edition)SpeedTouch 608 and 608i (R4)SpeedTouch 610, 610i and 610sSpeedTouch 716g R1.1SpeedTouch 716v5, 716iv5, 716v5 WL and 716iv5 WLTo check if you need to change�the SSID or the WPA PSK in theconfiguration panel your router, use the following check.
Enter theSSID and production year and press the button. Please don't use anasterisk (*) in the year field, as this will search all productionyears:[The script to calculate the SpeedTouch default passwords by just enteringthe Onlien has been removed, as I think it might be used for cack (allowing someone to hack on another persons WPA2 key protected wifi).]If any of the results match the code on the sticker on the back of yourSpeedTouch router, PLEASE CHANGE THE PASSWORDS A.S.A.P.!
Login the configuration panel of your router at address and follow the instructions in the manual.Totally unrelated to the story above, here is a script that justsearches a list of hexified SHA1-hashes of all possible�combinations of CP0[45678][0-9]{2}[0-9A-Z]{3} forthe first 6 or 4 hex-characters you�input, and prints the last 10, either in uppercase (if you entered 6 characters, e.g.
"971577"), or in lOnline crack for speedtouchThomsonCytaINFINITUM .and much moreLink 1Link 2How it works:Open the proggram press scan choose that net you like and press thomsson key ;P The proggram say how % is possible the pass!Hope you will like it!ENJOY IT! nikoletta facerini 17 ????????? 2015 - 1:50 ?.?.Paidia exw kapoious kwdikous akoma apo ena programma pou den 8ymamai poio htan,alla kalo!!!Den me afinei na syndethw!!Ti paizei??Exw katevasei arketa,alla moufa.(dummper+jumpstart),arxise na kollaei to lap!!HELP !!!
allaxan kai ta onomata.mono me tin IP (adress) mporw oline kanw kati?Kapoio programma na vriskei anexartita apo Thomson,Cyta,etc??Thanx. ???????? ???????? �>2016(3)�>???????????(1)�>?????????(2)�>2015(2)�>??????????(2)�>2014(3)�>???????(1)�>?????(2)� �2013(5)� �??????????(4)� How to hack Thomson, Cyta and NetFaster routers� How To make money using adf.ly� Hacking WPA / WPA2 Encrypted Networks� League of Legends Hack�>??????????(1)�>2012(16)�>??????????(16) ???????? ?? ????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? ????? ?? wep/wpa key ??? Thomson Speedtouch Router ???? ???? ???????? ?? SSID ?? ?? Default Security Settings ???.?? ??????????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?? Hack ?? ??? ???????? speedtouchkey ???????????? ??? ??? Kevin Devine ???? ??? ????????????? ?? CMD Mode crak ?????? ?? speedtouch routers ????????? ????? ??? ????? 2008.??? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ???????? ????? ??????? ??? ??? executable files ??? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ???? 2010 ????? ????? ??? ???????? ????.??? ??? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?? Thomson Default Key Generator ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????? post ??? ?? ????? ???? ?????????? ?? ???????? ?? Windows Vista & Windows 7.??????? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ??? Default ?????? ??? Thomson Speedtouch:* ??????????? ??? Onljne ?? Thomson Default Key Generator.rar* ?? ????????? ??? ??? ????? YEAR ??????? ??? ?????????? ??? router ?? 08 ?? ??? ??? ??????? ??????????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ??????????? ????? ?? ?? 2 ????????? ?????.* ??? ????? SSID ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ????????? ??? ????????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ?homson 188DBB ???????????? ?? ????????? ??? ????? ???? ?? Thomson ??? ??? ?????????? ??? ?? 188DBB ?? ????? ?? SSID ??? router ???.* ?????? ???? ??? Get Key ??? ??????????? ???? ??? ?????????? ????? ?? ??????????? ? ??????????.* ?? ?? key ??? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ??????????? ?? ??? ???? ??????????, ?? ??? ???????? ?????? key ??? ??? ??????????? ??? ????????? ???? ???????? ??? ???? ???? ???????? ??? ??? ????? ?? default key.???? ?? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ??? ??? ????? ???????????? ? ?????? ??? Default keys ??? router ??? !!enjoy!Download: Thomson Default Key Generator angelnonis Friday, November 12, 2010 at 6:12:00 PM GMT+2Mipos tixeni na vriskume kapio keygen gia tus modded rooter tis CYTA ?Ine speedtouch alla exun iposti kapian onlien sto SSID oste na parusiazete os CYTAXXX Reply Thomson crack online Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 10:05:00 AM GMT+2@angelnonis den paizei kanena rolo.
kopse to CYTA kai pare ta alla 6 psifia. auta den allazoun. erxontai default apo tin Thomson crack online me CytaXXXXXX anti gia SpeedtouchXXXXXX Reply Delete Anonymous Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 12:51:00 AM GMT+3Pedia me to Thomson44906C MAC: 00:26:44:44:90:6C ti mpori na gini to exo dokimasi se pola keygen kai se keygen pou vgazoun keys gia modela thomson tou 2011 as den vgali tipota apantisi mides kai den enoo pos den douleui o kodikos DEN vgazi katholou kodiko.
Mallon auto to thomson exi gini me allo algorithmo Reply Delete Anonymous Sunday, October 16, 2011 at 2:33:00 PM GMT+3Gia sas pediakapios sas parakalo na mu spasi CYTA7C5291 ine WPA sas parakalostilte mu ton kodiko sto artimonbariga@hotmail.com sas parakalo Reply Delete Anonymous Friday, November 4, 2011 at 9:25:00 PM GMT+2??????.??? ????? ?????? ??? ?? 4?????.??? ??????????, ?????? ?????, ?? 2 ????? ??? SSID ??? ????????? ?? ??? ?????????? ???? ??? ?? ??????? ?????.
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mporeite na me voh9isete please?! thelw na mporw se ena asurmato duktio CYTA 30AD alla exei kodiko. :/ ama mporeite na ton vreiteee.eyxaristwww!!! :) crqck Reply Delete Anonymous Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 2:07:00 AM GMT+2gia to 6208AD dokimase ena apo taF7397C950A75F8CD8E43kai pes an ola ok.gia ta ipolipa pou den brisketai onliine me to programma den fteei to programma aplos ta crac, einai v8 kai den douleuei Reply Delete Anonymous Thomsln, December 30, 2011 at 8:20:00 PM GMT+2please re paides kapios to kodiko apo ThomsonABB614.Kai kati akoma pos spaw ton kodiko an einai meta to 2010?Please apantiste re sis Reply Delete Anonymous Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 4:19:00 PM GMT+2????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ???????? ?????? ??? CYTA E24B? CYTA5B90EF?
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THX Reply Delete Anonymous Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 11:52:00 PM GMT+2gia thomsonE59BA7 dokimase to EAB9035E52 ? 101DFF04EE ? 67322EDF44 crac, 34E580A736 ? 0757C80ED7gia thomsonA86DD6 dokimase to 1BBACE1DE8 ? 27A03FD1FDby lizaki Reply Delete Anonymous Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 1:11:00 AM GMT+2?????? ????? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ?? OTE36cdb8?please!!!????? ????????? ??? ??? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???????!!????????? ?? ??? ????????!!
Reply Delete Anonymous Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 3:18:00 PM GMT+2gia thomsonB129D5 dokimase: 3F45FA24F8 k onnline thomson56D558 : 6A3D9F081Egia thomson41F927 : C7129B7E60gia thomson0A0962 : 7C0185D76C Reply Delete Anonymous Friday, March 9, 2012 at 4:04:00 PM GMT+2paidia ego mporo na spaso mono cyta,thomson,speedtouch me eksapsifio ssid, dld tis morfis ThomsonXXTo startHackers can easily break into your network if you�re using the default encryption key ( the one provided with the router).Why the default key is bad?Through calculations, Routers manufacturers generate a default password.
However this algorithm has been cracked by researches and now there is many tools that can crack your passwords in seconds.How does the key generator work?When you enter the name of the router, the key decrypt the nameand using generates many possible default keysthe user will try each of themuntil he gets on your network !Hack Thomson with Thomson key / Blink generator application:With this tool you can calculate the WiFi- key for Thomson SpeedTouch Wireless Routers, and blink routers.
Download How to use it ?N: Enter the 6 hex digits of the wireless network name (AFTER SpeedTouch or Thompson, or Blink ). For Example, by SpeedTouchUltGate just fill in UltGate (case insensitive) and then �Get Key�If I change the default name or password will my router still get hacked!?It is possible that your router still gets hacked however; it will take more time especially if your key is WPA2 encrypted.Wep keys are the most vulnerable keysit will take a maximum of hours for them to get brokenhowever wpa2 passwords might take weeks to be cracked.How to protect my wireless from being hacked !?� Change the default name/pass� Use WPA2-PSK encryption� Chose a complicated alphanumerical password� Change your wireless password on monthly bases� Advanced users can enable mac filtering so only the allowed pc get on the network Top Posts & Pages�Over 1 million porn video "hidden" on Instagram using arabic hashtags�How To Fix "Safari can�t open the onlinne because it can�t find the server" Error�Free In-App purchases and Magazine Purchases for iOS 9�How To See Who Likes You On Tinder with these iPhone apps�How to Fake Your Caller ID on iPhone�UltraSurf download to cradk any site anywhere!�Android auto-liker Instagram�New Study Shows Lebanon Has The 6th Biggest Penises In The World�How to watch porn safely?
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